Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thomas Morus

Utopians of the world, pay attention to this splendid fac-simile critical edition of Morus UTOPIA, presented with an Essay by the hand of one of the most eminent scholars and connaisseurs of Humanism and Renaissance, Prof. José V. de Pina Matins, former director of the Educational Department of the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
The present director, Dr. Manuel Carmelo Rosa is now responsible, with great success, for the further development of educational and scientific activities in the Foundation, of which this is a magnificent example. We should be grateful for the dedication and enthusiasm Pina Martins during so many years put in this project.
Last, but not least, let us praise Prof. Aires A. Nascimento, responsible for the critical edition and portuguese translation.
I cannot think of a better gift for the coming NEW YEAR.

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